This is your sign to try out style()
The style() is a new addition that came with Notion's Formula 2.0 update. You can access it if you're using Notion version 3.0. In this blog, we will explore the Notion formula style(). This formula is a versatile tool that adds styles and colors to your text, providing you with complete control over how your text appears.
Name | Syntax | Description | Example |
style() | style(value, style_1, style_2, …., style_n) | Adds styles and colors to the text in the database.
Valid formatting styles: "b" (bold), "u" (underline), "i" (italics), "c" (code), or "s" (strikethrough).
Valid colors: "gray", "brown", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple", "pink", and "red".
Add "_background" to colors to set background colors.
| style("Notion", "b", "u")
= Notion
style("Notion", "blue")
= Notion |
style() Formula
How style() works
The style() adds styles and colors to the text in the database.
The syntax for style() is as follows:
style(value, style_1, style_2, …., style_n)
Notion Formula
Break it down
value: The value (literals or property( to which you want to apply the style.
style_1, style_2, …: the style formatting options you can apply.
The following are the style formatting options you can apply.
Formatting Style | Output |
"b" | Bold text |
"u" | Underlined text |
"i" | Italic text |
"c" | Code text |
"s" | Strikethrough text |
Formatting Style | Output |
"gray" | Gray text |
"brown" | Brown text |
"orange" | Orange text |
"yellow" | Yellow text |
"green" | Green text |
"blue" | Blue text |
"purple" | Purple text |
"pink" | Pink text |
"red" | Red text |
"color_background" | Background color (replace 'color' with any valid color name in the above options) |
Example of style()
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